Glimpsing the heart of God

I’ve been somewhere between crying and at a loss for words since the end of the Vineyard conference Thursday night in Columbus. All the usual good stuff was there, reconnecting with friends, making new connections, good speakers, great worship. But none of those leave me in a 56-hour (and counting) puddle. The only words I have so far were ones I just posted as a comment somewhere on Facebook: we got a deep, heart glimpse of the Father’s compassion for all His children. I said that referring specifically to the song “On the Other Side” which marks the moment I broke Thursday night (click to watch, start at 1:03 if you’re short on time).

But we also got a strong glimpse of the heart of God Thursday morning from the word Charles Montgomery brought us (sermon starts at 1:35). The heart of the Father is for us to be united to God and to each other. This requires tearing down the walls and systems that separate us. That is arduous work but God is giving us power to do it. And that power comes to us in the form of this deep, heart compassion. That’s where it starts. (Btw, I loved his exegesis of Humpty Dumpty. Maybe Charles reads my blog?) And be sure to check out Phil Strout asking forgiveness in Spanish at 2:25.

Fair warning: have some tissues handy. And a glass of water. Stay hydrated.